Reader Gary G sent this several weeks ago, but I just now had a chance to post it here.
Hello Paul, hope you don't mind me sending you these pictures. I wasn't to sure how to post them on the web site under Light Up Cardboard Decorations. This is a Christmas motion lamp that we had from the 1930's. It is made of pressed paper (lightweight cardboard) with almost tissue paper type windows with three different scenes printed on each window. Inside the revolving cylinder shows Merry Christmas thru the windows, or Happy New Year if the cylinder was purchased separately.I first saw this advertised in a Garrison-Wagner catalog I had from the mid 30's,that I wish I still had! It took years to find one, and I have seen only one other. I also had a very large motion lamp collection and never found any listing info on this lamp. The house itself was made by the Gerkee-Allen carton co. and the metal fan (spinner) was made by the Metal Goods Corp. both of St. Louis. The first three pics are file pictures, and the other two are how we displayed it at Christmas. Wish they were better, am still looking thru a BIG box of pictures.If you can post these,that would be great as I have a lot of info I would like to share. Thanks. gary-g.

- christmas house 1.jpg (122.07 KiB) Viewed 56440 times

- christmas house 3.jpg (116.75 KiB) Viewed 56440 times

- christmas house2.jpg (118.32 KiB) Viewed 56440 times