Sorry about disappearing on you. Most of our web pages were hacked
Between October and November, 2022. Some more successfully than
Unfortunately it took us a while to fix the problem. Thanks for your
To limit the forums to people who are actually interested in our subject matter and to reduce the flood of fake signups we get from scammers, spammers and trolls every holiday season, we have gone to a 4-step actual application process. This includes allowing applicants to enter their own information on the registration forums. plus some steps that scammers will never bother with, such as requiring at least one relevant post. Go to for more information
GoDaddy, for whom I usually say nothing but nice things, is forcing me to migrate this site to another server. Not only that, but they're charging me $100 to do it. But I really don't have a choice unless I want to lose ALL the content of this forum to date.
The last time they did this to me with another site, it took me weeks to get things ironed out. So please bear with me, and let me know if you have any issues at all.
This discussion forum and one other that I paid GoDaddy $100@ to migrate to a new server as a part of a forced migration went down last week. Turned out they migrated the flat files (something anyone with FTP access can do in a few minutes) but not the database. Instead they left the flat files pointing to the database on the old server which was slated to be retired. Of course I had NO WAY of knowing that because everything seemed to be working.
When the first discussion forum went down, it too me two LONG phone calls, explaining the problem thoroughly to two different customer service "reps" A. to get them to figure out what the problem was and B. to get them to fix it (which the first customer service rep apparently considered optional on his part).
When the second discussion forum went down the next day, I went through the whole thing all over again. First a very long conversation with customer service rep who was sure I was mistaken until he spent twenty minutes (with me on hold) checking out what I told him. Then another several minutes while he resubmitted the migration request I had already paid for with instructions to migrate the WHOLE site this time. I asked him to check on three other forums that were part of the same expensive forced migration to make certain the databases for those had been moved. He did - several more minutes on the phone - and said it looked like they had. Still, I'll be checking them often for a while to be sure.
Then I checked back every few hours to see if the forum had been restored. Finally I saw that it had, and breathed a sigh of relief.
THEN I got an e-mail from GoDaddy's service people complaining that I had asked them to do something they weren't really required to do (since the original "migration" was over 14 days old), but they had done it as a "courtesy" JUST THIS ONCE.
Please note that this request was well outside of our 14-day migration review policy and was done as a one-time courtesy rather than a normal migration.
[My italics and bolding]
How do you turn a very happy customer into a "captive audience" who WILL jump ship the next time you jerk him around like this? Force him into nearly a thousand dollars worth of site migrations that don't really give him any advantage over a 14-month period, and then act like it's not your problem when you screw it up?
BTW, when I tell the scammers who spam us with fake sob stories every Christmas that we operate these sites at our own expense, I'm not making this up. We don't ask for donations, and we don't ask for pity because we consider what we do to be a service to our friends and to the friends we make through these pages. We do make a little money when you click on one of our ads and buy something. But we're not exactly paying the mortgage with our sites.
Have a great day, and please ignore anything I've said about GoDaddy's reasonable fees and great customer service in the past.
P.S. If you're a GoDaddy employee, please don't take this personally - most of the folks I've TALKED to have done whatever they could to help. But customer service goes beyond what people do for you while you're on the phone to them.